Emirates have announced they will be conducting Stage 1 First Officer interviews in Australia commencing in November. The interviews are by invitation only and will be conducted initially in Brisbane with further interviews scheduled for Melbourne later in November.
The dates for the Brisbane interview are:
Tuesday 17th to 21st of November & Monday 23rd to 27th of November.
Stage 1 Interviews will include
- Welcome Brief
- Simulator Assessment
- Advanced Compass Test
- Psychometric Testing
Following the successful completion of Stage 1 candidates will then complete the remainder of the process, that being the final interview and medical, in Dubai.

Flightdeck Consulting has a proven track record of preparing our clients for their Emirates Pilot Interview. Using our experience and resources we have developed an interview package that has been designed specifically to prepare you for your Emirates Pilots Interview.
The Emirates package includes
- Two, one and a half hour Emirates specific personal coaching sessions.
- The Emirates Simulator Assessment Briefing.
- Compass Test Information.
- Emirates Group Exercise.
- Step by Step guide of what to expect in Dubai.
- The Premium Pilot Interview Course includes:
- Eight Virtual Interviews to help you perfect your interview technique.
- The Airline Pilot Interview Work Booklet download version
- Simulator Assessment Guide.
- Psychometric Testing Information.
- QRH handbook
- Complimentary Email Support from professional airline interview consultants.
- Access to our up to date data base of questions currently being asked by Emirates.
- A detailed written debrief.